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The working for The Muslim Ambulance Society is seeking pledges from donors and philanthropist.
Donations have always been an important part for The Muslim Ambulance Society in upgrading new developments in therapeutic and diagnostic services along with improving the quality of services and healthcare. We have been successful in meeting this challenge since 1932.
Your donation will help us to continue in this tradition.
Please note that the donations to the Society are exempted under Income Tax U/S 80G.
We also accept Donation in Foreign Currency. ‘The Muslim Ambulance Society’ has been registered under Foreign Currency Regulation Act (FCRA) and authorized to accept donations from foreign countries in the name of ‘The Muslim Ambulance Society’
ZAKAT: Zakat is an obligatory annual payment, Zakat is paid by qualifying adult Muslims whose wealth exceeds the Nisab value for one Islamic (lunar) year. This donation pleases Allah (SWT). Payments are made to support those most in need both domestically and around the world.
Out of Zakat which we receive, we provide further subsidies to the needy and deserving Muslim patients for the medical services / treatment at our hospital.
GENERAL DONATION: General Donation can be provided to poor and needy patients for all caste, creed and religion. You can donate your contribution to help poor and deserving so that they can get more subsidies on their medical treatment at our hospital.
MACHIERIES / EQUIPMENTS: Please note that the charges for various facilities at our hospital are kept at the minimum in accordance with our established policy of providing most modern healthcare at very affordable cost. We have been purchasing new machines and equipments to upgrade therapeutic and diagnostic facilities at our hospital, so that we could serve the patients well at very subsidized and affordable charges. You can contribute towards the purchase of machineries and equipments we require to upgrade our medical services.
In spite of our low charges, some patients are not able to pay for investigation and treatment and admission at the above-mentioned centers. Therefore, out of the donations / Zakat which we receive, we provide further subsidies to the needy and deserving patients for the medical services at our hospital. Since the hospital is not running on Commercial or profit making basis, it partially depends on the funds contributed by various philanthropists to function smoothly in providing charity services.